Blogger Babe... Alexis Jade Kaiser

We have been following Alexis on instagram for quite some time. And we were so excited to get to collaborate with her on a mini shoot featuring our Turquoise jewelry. One thing that we love about her is that she isn't afraid to be who she is #pinkhairdontcare. Also her and I are about 1 week apart with our pregnancies and it's been so fun to get to have another babe like her to be on this amazing journey with. Below is a Q & A and some amazing photos that her and her husband captured so beautifully. You can shop the jewelry with the tags under each photo. We hope you are inspired as much as we are with Alexis' unique style!

Jewelry pictured above and below- Hammered Silver Finger Ring, New White Buffalo Ring, Vintage Morenci Turquoise Ring, Vintage Turquoise Needle Point Squash Blossom Cuff. 

vintage turquoise jewelry

Vintage Sterling Silver Cuff, Small Turquoise Squash Cuff, Vintage Black Onyx Multi Stone Cuff, Vintage Turquoise Squash Ring, Vintage Turquoise Ring with Floral details, White Buffalo Ring 3.


1. Tell us something that no one knows about you.

Hmmmm- something no one knows about me? I'm actually a huge introvert. Which is surprising considering my career path. But yeah, I don't really love being around humans haha I get really anxious. I'd rather spend time alone or with my hubby. He always makes me feel at home.

2. What inspired you to start blogging?
I've always had unique style and have always loved to play around with my hair so I just started posting what I love and hair pics to my Instagram and next thing I know I'm blogging full time! 

3. What advice would you give to young girls who want to start blogging? What would you say are the do's and don'ts?
I would say if you're going to start blogging stick with it! Don't give up. And find what makes you most unique and own it. That's what will make you stand out and be successful. I would say do be consistent, do be unique. Don't copy others, don't get in your own head, don't let negativity drive you down.